
Headteacher's Welcome


On behalf of all the Governors, staff and children I would like to extend a warm welcome to our school, we hope that you and your child(ren) enjoy your time with us.

At Landywood Primary School every child is as important as the next. In short, every child matters. Everyone at Landywood is committed to providing a caring and friendly school, a happy place to learn because happy children make engaged learners.

Our Ofsted inspection judged the school to be good in all areas.  The inspectors identified "The curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils make good progress in English and Mathematics and develop their skills and knowledge in a range of other subjects through the school's creative curriculum."  Please click here to download the Ofsted Report. 

Landywood Primary School is an inclusive community and we promote tolerance and respect for all. We value the individual contributions our pupils bring to school and we encourage and support them to fulfil their potential.

Our aim as a school is to provide a warm and friendly, atmosphere in a safe, caring environment, where children will be happy and successful.  To achieve this, it is important that the school and home work together in partnership.  This partnership is built through a regular dialogue between parents/carers, children and school.

We want all children to achieve the highest possible standards and make maximum progress in relation to their prior learning. We want children to enjoy acquiring and using knowledge and skills to question and explore, to acquire positive attitudes, to gain independence and to become lifelong learners ready for life in Modern Britain.

I was very proud to be awarded '2021 National Headteacher of the Year in a Primary School'. A big thank you must be given to all our staff, governors, pupils and families for making Landywood such a special place.  Without such high levels of support and desire for all children to achieve their true potential this award would not have been possible.  

If you would like to know more about our school, please have a look at our website.  We are always happy to give tours to show all the different elements of our school.

Thank you for visiting.


Mr Clewer


